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Incredible scents

Summer Collection 2019
Sweet Grass & Violet, Green tea & Lemongrass, Mint Mojito, Cactus Flower
Each scent is tested and sampled, hand picked to be in our collections.

About Holy City Candle Company
Our History
What started out as a hobby has now become our passion and we're delighted to share it with you. We started making candles in our home. We hand pour each and every candle, attending to every detail in the process. We use 100% soy wax, which does not have all of the toxins, carcinogens or pollutants, which means it's less likely to trigger allergies. No petrol-carbon soot like you get from petroleum based paraffin candles. Soy wax burns cooler which mean you can enjoy your candle generally 50% longer than a paraffin candle. Our love for our Candle Store drives who we are and what we do. Every. Single. Day.

Contact Us
Need to contact us about something? Reach out, we’d be happy to hear from you.